X-Wing - 2022/05/01 - Matteo's T-shirt A Day

X-Wing - 2022/05/01 - Matteo's T-shirt A Day

We are starting off Star Wars Month with a classic 70s inspired X-Wing t-shirt from Qwertee.

X-wing. Qwertee.

According to my knowledge of the Star Wars Universe (and Wikipedia) “The X-wing starfighter is a name applied to a family of fictional spacecraft manufactured by the Incom Corporation”.

As far as spacecraft go, the X-wing is one of the coolest ever. I have to say that when in a planet’s atmosphere it is still a second to the Sopwith Camel though.

Luke Skywalker (portrayed by Mark Hammil) flew the X-wing during the battle of Yavin in Star Wars Episode IV, and is tied to the character throughout the expanded universe.

I admit I have spent a fair amount of time flying the X-wing myself since 1995 and expect to do so for many years to come. Flying an X-wing is always good fun, and those who share appreciation for the spacecraft always recognise the depiction when they see me wearing this t-shirt.
This t-shirt is another one from Qwertee, which was a limited edition one. Check out Qwertee to see if you can find something else on theme: https://www.qwertee.com/r/249cd838c1 (referral link).

Kingdom Hearts - 2022/04/30 - Matteo's T-shirt A Day

Kingdom Hearts - 2022/04/30 - Matteo's T-shirt A Day